Friday, September 16, 2011

Writing Update #4

I should probably come up with some more creative titles for my writing updates, eh? Titles have never been my strong point, so I welcome suggestions!

I do have a few updates to offer you *waits for the fanfare to end*.

Last week, I finished my final (for now) read-through of Playing with Fire, and I'm thrilled to say that I had many "Man, I don't entirely suck!" moments. I'm actually very proud of the product as it stands right now and my fingers are very crossed that somewhere out there a publisher or an agent will be similarly impressed.

I have been sending out queries, and so far I've received 3 rejections (unsarcastic cheer!), but unfortunately (though not unexpectedly) no solid feedback in terms of writing quality or anything. S'all good!

On an even more positive side *deep breath*, I have heard back from a publishing house I've had my eye on for a while. Sent in my query and prologue, and within days had a request for the next 3 chapters! I'm very nervous, very anxious, and very obsessively checking my e-mail hoping they'll be interested in the rest of the manuscript. Either way, this is the furthest point I've reached in the process so I'm excited and happy.

And that's not even the end of my news! With Playing with Fire edited, read, sent out, and pending, I've officially moved on to Bitter Cold, the next book in my Daughter of Time series. The prologue and first chapter are done, and I'm busy planning out chapters 2, 3, and 4. Thanks to my wonderful sounding board, I've been introduced to 2 new characters and the knowledge that a 3rd will be coming to me over the next couple of months.

As for upcoming blog posts, I'll admit I'm a bit stymied for subjects, so I'm open to requests and suggestions if you want to comment, e-mail, poke, tweet, etc. I do know that I'll be having another Q&A session soon with the lovely Muffy Morrigan, author of the Custodes Noctis series I'm currently enjoying. Hope you'll all come back to take a look!


  1. That's exciting news! I'm glad to hear that a publishing house is taking notice of your work :) Getting your first piece published is always the hardest. Keep plugging away at it and I'm sure that you will make it in the end.

  2. Thanks :) Very excited. Hard-time-sitting-still excited. It'll happen ;)
