Monday, August 29, 2011

Tag, You're It!

So I've been tagged in the Blogger wars, thanks to Ms. Tammy E. A. Crosby, a fellow Canadian writer, who was so recently awarded the Seriously Cute Blogger Award (which she well deserves!)

Point of the tag: Talk about 5 films/TV/books you've read or watched in the last 12 months. Here goes...

1) Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (movie): Perfect melding of genres, excellent cast, subtle humour. I seriously cannot get enough of this film.

2) Game of Thrones (book/TV series): It's not often I get to say this, but HBO's GoT was a near-perfect adaptation of a near-perfect series. George RR Martin knows what to do with his fantasy, there is no doubt about that.

3) True Blood (TV series): Everything I love about vampires wrapped up into one deliciously addicting show. I will admit that at times the writing is laughable, and the acting occasionally bland, but on the whole it's very well put together..

4) The Blue Castle (book): Written by LM Montgomery, I would consider this novel one of the most overlooked classics. It always cheers me up and make me a little daring. Imagine the freedom to say whatever came to your mind...


5) The Mother Tongue (book): A history of the English language written by Bill Bryson. Oh my goodness gracious. If you want a linguistics lessons that will make you laugh till you pee, then this is the book for you.

Part two of this war is to tag other bloggers and get them to spill on their deepest, darkest...sources of television and literary taste.

1) Chelsea Gammon - new authoress in the making

3) Muffy Morrigan - a wonderful writer with a strange affinity for a certain Giant Spider

4) Aaron J. Booth - debut novelist with a powerful wit

5) Elle Fawker - a lady of many wonderful talents, who I would like to see writing again!

Have fun all! Can't wait to see your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh very well done! Now don't forget to post the piccy! You can leave it on your blog to show you gotz skillz! :)
